Looking back to look forward

Writing my first blog post feels daunting, similar to starting a new sketch book and drawing on the first crisp page. It seems crazy to me that I am starting a Masters degree having left school with pretty poor grades and vowing never to study again! But thanks to my girls who encouraged their mum to start making for herself I tentatively took my first steps a few years ago onto an access course in art and design starting the journey to where I find myself today.  A degree at Falmouth followed, which was where I became hooked with the printmaking bug. I could have stopped there and nearly did, but the desire to master my practice and find out what my creative voice is has bought me to CSM door. A step which I am excited but also a bit apprehensive about. I am looking forward to working with fellow students on the course helping each other reflect on our work and grow as artists together.
My practice has been circling around the idea of chaos and order, the making of works that focus on repetition of form calming the inner noise. There is often a broken rhythm in there sending things a bit askew – mirroring life maybe? Moving forward I hope to mature in my making and gain more of an understanding of the critical context for my work to sit on. I would like to find a sustainable rhythm for creating from home where I will continue  printmaking but I hope to explore other mediums and ways of making alongside it, to complement and feed my practice.


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